Sunday, October 14, 2012

What are the functions for the male reproductive system?

The testicles produce testosterone and other hormones when stimulated by Leutinizing Hormone, Leutinizing stimulating hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone, which are produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. Testosterone is arguably the most important male hormone as it is required for muscle mass, bone health, secondary male characteristics such as facial hair, body hair, a deep voice male pattern baldness, energy, ambition, concentration, etc. It is especially important during puberty, where it is also responsible for normal penile development. The testicles also produce sperm, which mixes with fluids produced by the prostate. The sperm and prostate fluids are released out of the penis during ejaculation. They can fertilize an egg if the ejaculate goes into the vagina, as happens during sexual intercourse.

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